Facilitating Personal Development

What is the ultimate goal in life? For Christians, it is to one day join our Lord in His heavenly kingdom. We have quite a journey to get there. We strive to become more like Christ and encourage others as well to do so. This happens in decisions we make everyday. We search for self-fulfillment through Jesus Christ, the service of common good, and the source of all growth.

Personal development is a stepping stone to this life-long adventure to reach our ultimate goal. As Catholic author and speaker Matthew Kelly believes, becoming more like God causes us to become the "best version of ourselves." That, of course, easier said than done.

There are several ways a person can practice personal development. Realize you are here for a reason and, whether you are aware of it or not, things are unfolding just as they should be. The right circumstances and opportunities will emerge. Day in and day out we are submerged in noise—television, music, social media, computers, phones—and we may not even know what silence is. Some may find that terrifying. In silence, we see the person we are now and the person we are capable of becoming. We are challenged to change and grow. Some may avoid silence, because when silence is present you learn about yourself and are exposed to challenges of change. We need change in our lives in order to become better people than we were yesterday. Change is growth.

In college, there are numerous opportunities to work on personal development. College is where many individuals learn about themselves and search for the person they truly are meant to be. There are also as many distractions as there are opportunities. As most students may know, it is easy to fall into the traps of negative environments and situations. In order to avoid these circumstances, we must keep the ultimate goal in mind and strive every day to reach it. Each of us has special gifts, talents, and abilities.  Developing all these for the benefit of all. 

Personal development carries the importance of helping you understand yourself better, assisting you in creating goals in life. Spending time your efficiently, enhances your ability to handle stress, adversity and change, and to live a balanced lifestyle.

Being open to personal development will lead you to experience a leap in your faith. You will gain a more positive outlook on life, be more proactive and begin creating the life you want to live instead of letting circumstances create your life for you. You will be able to find your true purpose and live your life to the fullest.

Renee Baca, Student, New Mexico State University

CollegeEdmund O'Brien