National Study on Catholic Campus Ministry

In 2016, the Secretariat of Catholic Education commissioned a National Study of Catholic Campus Ministry. This study defined a campus minister as someone whose primary responsibility is the pastoral care of the campus community. The study utilized an innovative, collaborative planning process. The Assistant Director for Higher Education in the Secretariat of Catholic Education, Barbara Humphrey McCrabb, proposed a two-pronged study and selected Brian Starks, Associate Professor of Kennesaw State University, to be the Principal Investigator. Through two national surveys, the research team considered 1) the formation and development of those who minister on campus and 2) the impact of Catholic campus ministry on those who participate. This report addresses the findings of the Campus Minister Instrument; the student data is not included in this report.

This study is Copyright © 2018, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved.

Who are our campus ministers?




Types of Ministry

Methods of Ministerial Formation

More Frequent Participation in Spiritual Disciplines

Q26 How often do you participate in the following spiritual disciplines in your personal practice? Responses given in percentage of those who responded.

It all started when…

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